Tally Weijl had seen huge success in their 25 years, growing from the back of a Fiat 500 to 600 stores across Europe. However, they didn’t keep up with changing youth culture and digitisation.
As part of a broader business transformation - Tally Weijl needed a fresh brand update taking it from the world of “Totally Sexy” that had brought it such success in Paris Hilton era but was now outdated.
Working with the team at Virtue - the creative agency from Vice since October 2018, we re-positioned the Tally Weijl brand harnessing the original pioneering and playful spirit of the founder Tally and the initial excitement she spread through democratising fashion. We spoke to a multitude of stakeholders and industry experts, studied the competition, deep dove into the new cultural touch points of the growing TW audience and redefined provocative for 2019.
Tally Weil: Own It. A brand that’s purpose is to inspire and empower women to be their best selves, whatever that may be. A brand that makes women proud to be women. That has fun. That feels truly independent. That puts its products and its audience up on a pedestal.
Launched September 2019.